
A conversation I just had with the Mr.:

Mr.: Baby, I have something to tell you.
Me: Mhm...
Mr.: I don't know if you'v heard the rumors going around, but I'm gonna be this year's Sexiest Man Alive.
Me: Oh (chuckle) okay, baby.
Mr.: No really, baby, what would you think if that happened?
Me: Eh, I guess it woud be okay. As long as you weren't fernoodling around.
Mr.: Did you just say fernoodling? What does that even mean?
Me: Messing around, hanging out with groupies, etc.
Mr.: (Laughs) You are adorable, you should blog that.

So, FERNOODLING (fur-nood-ul-ing): snuggling, fondling, or messing around with women who are not your significant others.



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