A Couple I Love

Every other week, sometimes every week, the family hangs out with the Mr.'s very old friend Kory and his girlfriend Elise. We love them because we just mesh really well with them--and that's a blessing when you consider that Chris and Kory first became friends when they played soccer in grade school. We usually  watch a movie while we have dinner and then move on to a board game.

Last week, Kory forgot to bring his apparently awesome game. So, staring at our diminutive (but awesome) game selection, we agreed on Scrabble. After the Mr. trying to pass off "Cabo" as a word and not just the shortened name of a city, we decided to play doubles and together we made "bootleg". From there, it was just fun! With fourteen letters per team, we made words like "shoveling" and "grapples" and "cinnamon". Here is our amazing board.

It's still sitting on our dining table just like that. I don't have the heart to put it away just yet, because we were just so darn proud of it.


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